Here is what is wrong – Tea Party Nation

Here is what is wrong – Tea Party Nation.

Posted by Judson Phillips

If you want to know what is wrong the Republican Party, this explains it totally.  Of course, it comes from a Mitt Romney surrogate, but it explains everything.

New Hampshire State Senator Gary Lambert is not the brightest bulb, but at least by accident he has told the truth.

From CNS News:

New Hampshire State Sen. Gary Lambert, speaking for the presidential campaign of former Massachusetts Gov. Romney, told the Nashua New Hampshire Republican City Committee that this year’s first-in-the-nation primary is not about liking a candidate, “It’s not even about picking someone with your own beliefs and principles. This is about picking a person that can beat Barack Obama, period.”

Is this a winning the future moment?

This is the problem with the establishment.  They do not see any difference between the GOP and the Democrats.   Oh wait, Republicans go to better country clubs and don’t get their hands dirty.

If the GOP does not stand for something, the Democrats do.  What they stand for is not good but they do stand for something.

Earth to the GOP:  People want politicians who stand for something.   Picking a presidential candidate is not like deciding whether you like the Chicago Bears better than the New England Patriots

We gain nothing if we replace Barack Obama with a bad leader.  We must replace him with someone who is a good leader.  We must replace Barack Obama with someone who believes in freedom, liberty and the greatness of America.

That person is not the liberal Mitt Romney.