
“The constitutions of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property and freedom of the press.” Thomas Jefferson

I believe in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. I believe that this means the Second amendment is an individual right not subject to regulation.

I believe the government has forgotten that they work FOR us, not the other way around.

I believe that the government is incapable of creating real jobs and needs to get out of the way of real recovery.

I believe the government has no right to take my money and redistribute it.

I believe the national debt is a crime against all of us and our heirs.

25 Responses to About

  1. Hi, nice to meet you !

  2. roxannadanna says:

    I believe everything you believe!

  3. Eowyn says:

    Great blog, Gds44 !

    Thanks for putting Fellowship of the Minds on your Blogroll. I’m humbled. 🙂

  4. peregrine says:

    You’ve got am impressive blog here! Nice!

  5. Hey there! Nice to meet you. I believe everything you believe also. Thank you for checking out my blog and “following” me! Hope you will continue to “like” a few posts when you check back with me in the future! Nice to have you on board! Together WE CAN get our country restored!

  6. A commendable “about” pg.

  7. P.S. love your categories.

  8. Amen Brotha! Keep up the good fight! It’s time to take our country back!

  9. Muse1876 says:

    First visit and it won’t be my last.

  10. Thanks visit my blog.

  11. afteramerica says:

    Thank you for following my blog at After America. The show I produce, The Vinny Eastwood Show can be heard daily on American Freedom Radio. We are all in this together. Stay in touch as I will do the same. Connect any time at: afteramerica2011@gmail.com

  12. Good one! Getting your RSS feed now. Come by at http://ergonom3.wordpress.com/, if you like.

  13. bullright says:

    Nice, I stumbled upon your blog.

  14. Grumpa Joe says:

    Thanks for stopping by GrumpaJoesPlace. I like your blog and have just subscribed. We must do everythiing in our power to stop this maniac and bring the country back to conservatism.

  15. Grumpa Joe says:

    I did some checking on your post claiming Obama signed 923 Executive Orders. My math says he signed 127. Where did you come up with that number?

  16. TeachX3 says:

    Hello gds44, made my way here through RAT. Looking forward to following your blog. May God bless and protect you and yours.

  17. I have a great story, pls email

  18. JCscuba says:

    Excellent read, no doubt it. taking to my site will link back to you. J.C.

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