Al Gore loses it again. – Tea Party Nation

Photo by Craig Michaud.This is Al in 2000 whil...

This years nominee for most irrelevent man of the year!

Al Gore loses it again. – Tea Party Nation.

Most of us realize climate change is upon us.  Everyone other than Al Gore calls it “Fall.”  Rick Perry bashed the global warming hucksters, er, scientists the other day and Mr. Hot Air, Al Gore had to jump in.

 From The Hill:

 Al Gore on Friday bashed the notion that climate scientists are manipulating data for financial gain, a charge levied by global warming skeptics, including GOP White House hopeful Rick Perry.

“This is an organized effort to attack the reputation of the scientific community as a whole, to attack their integrity, and to slander them with the lie that they are making up the science in order to make money,” Gore said in an online interview.

“These scientists don’t make a lot of money. They are comfortable, as they should be, but they don’t make a lot of money. That is not their motivation for doing what they do,” Gore added.

His comments came in a wide-ranging interview with Alex Bogusky, a prominent former advertising executive who is working with Gore on the former vice president’s Climate Reality Project.

Gore didn’t mention Perry by name in the interview, although Bogusky mentioned Perry as part of a broader question about doubt and climate science.  

Perry, the Texas governor, attacked climate scientists at a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week. “I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data, so that they will have dollars rolling into their, to their projects,” Perry said.

 Is Al Gore really that dense?  Well, YES HE IS.

 It is beyond dispute the “global warming scientists” are manipulating data.   Perhaps the only mystery is why.

 Rick Perry thinks they are doing it for money.  They certainly get it from the global warming establishment.  Maybe they are just doing it because they are pathological liars.  Just like Al Gore.

 Rick Perry may not be right on why they are lying.  He is right, when it comes to global warming, the so-called “climate scientists” and Al Gore are lying.

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