Federal Government Waste Exploded Under Obama, Data Show

Socialism is not the Answer

http://media.cagle.com/127/2013/03/15/128788_600.jpgFree Republic

Big Government: The federal government wasted more than $100 billion on over payments last year. It knows this, even tracks it, but somehow can’t seem to stop it. Is there a better indication that government is too big?

A federal website called Payment Accuracy tracks in great detail what it calls “improper payments” made by the federal government through Medicare, Medicaid, farm programs, school lunch programs and others to contractors, doctors, students, and so on.

Last year, the government made $126 billion in over payments, nearly double the amount of made in President Bush’s last year.

Improper payments in Medicare, for example, went from $10 billion in 2008 to $43 billion last year; and for Medicaid, the figured jumped from $19 billion to $29 billion.

The Payment Accuracy site notes that the government also underpaid by $11 billion last year. Still, at $115 billion, the net overpayment just…

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