The United States Department of Politically Correct Stupidity – Tea Party Nation

The United States Department of Politically Correct Stupidity – Tea Party Nation.

Posted by Judson Phillips

obama-shreds-the-constitution1There is one Department in the government that takes the cake for politically correct stupidity. 

 In fact, that Department should be renamed from its current name to the United States Department of Politically Correct Stupidity.

 Which Department is it and what do the constantly do that earns them this title?

 It is the Department of Homeland Security.

 DHS has got to be one of the biggest government run disasters ever pushed upon this nation.

 DHS was George Bush’s big government reaction to the 9/11 attacks. 

 What did DHS do?

 Well, it took a lot of agencies that previously existed, put them under the aegis of the new Department of Homeland Security.  Then, just for good measure new agencies were created and then a whole new level of bureaucracy was added.

 Under the Bush administration, DHS was, well, it was there but that is about all you can say for it.   It created the theater of the absurd that we call airport security.  It gave new meaning to close encounters as real Americans were groped and fondled by people who either were on the sex offender registry or should have been.

bretterbring When the Obama Regime took over, DHS turned into a nightmare.  First they called patriotic Americans “domestic terrorists” in a widely panned, totally political report. 

 DHS then made a joke of enforcing immigration laws. 

 DHS has produced videos telling people to be on the look out for domestic terrorism yet all of the terrorists shown in their videos look more like Tea Party members than the people who have actually been committing terrorism against this nation.

 Now DHS is giving advice that is designed to get people killed.

 It is telling people in the case of an active shooter to duck under desks. 

 The children at Sandy Hook ducked under desks and huddled in the back of their classrooms.  According to press reports, that is where they were found, near the body of Adam Lanza who killed himself after killing them.

 The advice DHS gives reminds me of a scene from the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.   In that movie, a young officer is confronted with the infamous Kobayashi Maru scenario.  It is a training exercise that is impossible to win.  After having the starship simulator blown to bits, the young officer turns to Admiral James Kirk and asks what she should do. 

 Kirk’s response?  “Prayer.  The Klingons don’t take prisoners.”

 AkU3OD4CAAA7UUa.jpg largeActive shooters don’t take prisoners either.

 DHS would never suggest something like prayer.  Instead they suggest that if you are confronted with an active shooter, you grab a pair of scissors and defend yourself.

 Really?  Have they never heard the old expression about bringing a knife to a gunfight?

 Even someone who knows how to fight with a knife would be hard pressed to kill someone with a knife or a pair of scissors.  That is especially true when the other person has a gun.

 Do you know what you should bring to a gunfight?  Another gun!

 But the Department of Politically Correct Stupidity would never suggest something that obvious. 

 Instead our government suggests you get yourself killed.   The nation that once lived by the motto, “Live free or die,” has replaced it with “cower like cowards and hope you die quickly.”

 While there are some agencies within the Department of Homeland Security that do a good job, like the Coast Guard for example, most of DHS is simply a bloated waste of taxpayer dollars.

 The best thing America can do is ignore everything that DHS advises and get our elected leaders to abolish that Department as quickly as possible.

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