Wednesday Memes ….

Michael Kelly Exposes The Implications Of Net Zero


By Paul Homewood


Former Conservative Party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith has called for an “honest and open debate” on Net Zero, warning that politicians have not sufficiently scrutinised the requirements, and saying that they must level with the public about the sacrifices required.
He also highlights the UK’s lack of energy security and Western Europe’s reliance on Russian gas.
Sir Iain’s comments, in the foreword to a new report published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, reflect growing alarm among Conservative backbenchers about a possible electoral backlash in the wake of the cost of living crisis, and a new awareness of the threat the Net Zero project represents to national security.
The report, by Professor Michael Kelly FRS, examines the scope of the Net Zero project and considers the financial, resource and manpower requirements, concluding that the political and economic upheaval it would necessitate make success a practical impossibility.

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Official data: Fully vaccinated people account for 9 of 10 COVID deaths


England report demolishes last remaining argument for getting shots

The fully vaccinated account for 9 of every 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England and 4 of 5 deaths among the triple-vaccinated, according to the latest data published by the U.K. Health Security Agency.

The independent British news site The Exposé reported the government report, published Feb. 22, includes a table on page 41 confirming the vast majority of deaths were among the vaccinated.

About 73.5% of the population of England has been fully vaccinated, and 56.9% have received a booster shot, as of Feb. 28.

See the table from the UKHSA report:

Top health officials around the world, including in the U.S., have acknowledged that the COVID-19 vaccines have not stopped infection or transmission amid the omicron wave – the premise for vaccine mandates – but have insisted the shots prevent hospitalization and death.

However, between Jan…

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Democrats Live In A Different World by Mike Pasqua

Democrats Live In A Different World by Mike Pasqua

By: Derek HunterDemocrats Live In A Different World

It is difficult to overstate just how out of touch Democrats are with reality right now. When you’re as unpopular as they are it makes sense – you can’t admit reality, it’s too depressing, so you create a new one in your head. That’s a survival mechanism everyone has employed, to one degree or another, and at some point in their lives for short periods, and it’s perfectly normal. What isn’t normal is how Democrats have constructed this fantasy world and appear to live in it all the time.

I don’t know how you can watch Joe Biden stumble and bumble his way through the State of the Union Address and think he is well. Either he referred to the Ukrainian people as “Iranians” or “Urainians,” with neither option being good because what’s left of his brain didn’t notice whatever it was that came out of his mouth. A normal, healthy person will make mistakes, verbal gaffes, but our brains notice and we correct ourselves almost immediately. That does not happen with Joe Biden. He is so married to the teleprompter and going off script that he pays no attention to the words.

The media, naturally, ignored most of the gaffes because covering for their President is second nature to them. But it wasn’t just what he screwed up saying that was the problem, the parts of the speech he read accurately were just as disturbing.

One way to fight inflation is to drive down wages and make people poorer,” Joe said. “I think I have a better idea to fight inflation: lower your costs, not your wages.” This is just one example of something that makes zero sense. None. It was not called out by anyone.

Over on MSNBC, one exchange between Stephanie Ruhle (who doesn’t get the credit she deserves as one of the dumbest people on cable news, probably because of misogyny) and former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, one of the richest Senators when she was in office, really exemplifies how out of touch the left is.

Ruhle started, “Claire, do you think when it comes to the voter, the president and this administration needs to do more talking about those economic wins? You know, because inflation is such a problem, often times it seems like Democrats are afraid to talk about how strong the economy is because they don’t want to be insensitive to people who are left out but the thing is if they do not sell their wins they can’t win in the midterms and then they can’t help anyone.”

This “you don’t know how good you’ve got it” argument is not the stuff successful campaigns are made of. More than that, however, is how Democrats insist their policies “leave no one behind,” except maybe the rich. Except what Democrats advance always benefits their rich donors. People for whom inflation means next to nothing. Ruhle isn’t impacted in any meaningful way by inflation, she’s rich, and McCaskill has a net worth north of $60 million.

McCaskill’s answer was every bit as bad as you’d expect. “This is not complicated,” she started. “The Democrats are very bad at being repetitive and disciplined on message. This president in one year created more jobs than any president in the history of the United States of America, say it over and over and over again. Real wages are up, saving is up yes there is inflation but overall if you don’t remind people how much better it is now than it was before then you leave the field open for the Republicans to distort and not tell the truth like frankly the governor of Iowa did tonight, she distorted the economic record of this president. And he brought down the deficit. So all of this is really important for them to just keep hammering over and over again. they get distracted by wanting to do so much for so many instead of keeping it simple and making sure voters understand who is really in their corner.”

Joe Biden didn’t create a single job, he just happened to be in office when the jobs Democrats shut down were allowed to return. New companies were not formed, nor have they expanded – people laid off were called back to work. No matter how many times that lie is repeated, it will never ring true to the public. We know.

Along those lines, the economy being allowed to reopen leads to increased economic activity, which leads to increased revenue to the government. That is not “cutting the deficit,” especially when your spending is loaded up in the future, an accounting gimmick if there ever was one.

These people live in a different world, a completely strange reality unfamiliar to anyone not currently on hallucinogenic drugs. Maybe we’re secretly being ruled by Hunter Biden?

Britain’s steel industry hammered by climate change taxes


By Paul Homewood


Crippling climate change levies are forcing Britain’s steelmakers to cut production after a doubling in the cost of carbon emissions in just nine months.

Record carbon prices are making it “all but impossible to increase production competitively” once emissions permits have been used as steelmakers struggle to take on producers in less climate-friendly countries, according to UK Steel.

The industry group estimates that costs are increased by £175 for every additional tonne of steel produced above their free emissions permits, equivalent to around 30pc of current steel prices globally.

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Monday Memes …

Update: Suspect Arrested Over Attempted Assassination of Louisville Mayoral Candidate is BLM Activist and Black Nationalist Championed by Obama

U.S. Coast Guard Plays Uber and EMS to Illegal Aliens

Biden Calls Law-Abiding Americans ‘The Resistance’

CCC Claim Offshore Wind Will Cost £25/MWh!


By Paul Homewood


Do they really believe that offshore wind costs will drop to £25/MWh, well below even the cost of onshore wind at the moment?

It is only by this chicanery that the CCC were able to keep the costs of Net Zero down to just an odd trillion or two.

Assuming a more realistic cost of £100/MWh, which is consistent with known construction costs, the costs of Net Zero would be £18 billion a year higher.

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