Obama Could Not Pass a Background Check – Tea Party Nation

Obama Could Not Pass a Background Check – Tea Party Nation.

By Alan Caruba

President Barack Obama could not pass a background check if he was applying for a gun permit or a job. Why has this man been allowed to remain in office or take the oath for a second time?

During the 2008 campaign, it was known that:

His official, long form birth records were SEALED.His Occidental College records were SEALED.His Columbia College records were SEALED.His Harvard College records were SEALED.His College thesis – SEALED. His Harvard Law Review articles – SEALED. His Indonesian adoption records – SEALED. His passport file – SEALED. His medical records – Unavailable. His baptism records – Unavailable. His papers from his service in the Illinois legislature – Unavailable. His Illinois State Bar Association records – Unavailable.

The birth certificate that the White House released is reputed by document experts to be false.

The Social Security number he has used was issued to someone else. He could not pass an E-Verify test. The first three numbers of his Social Security ID are reserved for applicants with Connecticut addresses, 040-049. The number was issued between 1977 and 1979. Obama’s earliest employment reportedly was in 1975 at a Baskin-Robbins in Oahu, Hawaii.

Many of the “facts” he cited in his two memoirs have turned out to be questionable, if not outright lies; particularly as regards his birth father, a citizen of Kenya at the time of his birth.

A job applicant with Obama’s paper trail would not even pass the smell test, but this man was elected and reelected. The role of journalism is to vet the credentials of anyone running for public office, let alone the highest office in the land. Instead, he has been protected against all inquiries and those making them have been called “birthers” or simply ignored.

Obama so routinely lies that keeping track of them would require a team of full-time archivists.

In August 2009 he said, “I have not said I was a single-payer supporter”, but in June 2003, as an Illinois state senator, he said, “I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health care system.”

In March 2006, he said “Leadership means the buck stops here…I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.” He is now into his second political battle to raise the debt limit. In July 2011, he said “It is not acceptable for us not to raise the debt ceiling and to allow the U.S. government to default.”

In response to a 1996 questionnaire he said “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages, but in November 2008 he said, “I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.”

He spent his first term blaming the nation’s economic ills on his predecessor, George W. Bush, saying in July 2008, that “he added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion in debt that we are going to have to pay back. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.” Today, the debt stands at more than $16 trillion because Obama added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined. For the first time in U.S. history, our credit rating was reduced and rating services are warning they will reduce it again.

He has a record of using executive orders to bypass the constitutional powers and duties of Congress. His most recent effort was 23 such orders regarding gun control at the same time Americans are buying guns as fast as they can, fearing the loss of the right to own and bear arms. This is the same President who just signed a law granting him and his family lifetime Secret Service protection.

He used “executive privilege” to cover-up the “Fast and Furious” scandal in which guns were allowed to be purchased and transported for use by Mexican drug cartel members.

He lied about the attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed a U.S. ambassador and encouraged members of his staff to spread the lie that it was “spontaneous” and the result of a video no one has seen.

He and the Democratic Party imposed “Obamacare” on the nation and its passage is already undermining the provision of healthcare services, driving up the cost of health insurance, and causing physicians and the providers of testing and other services to leave the profession and close their doors.

He no longer can blame President Bush, so now he blames the Republican Party that has offered solutions to the nation’s economic crisis that has worsened every day he has been in office. His foreign policy has consisted of apologizing for America and standing aside while one nation after another in the Middle East and northern Africa has fallen under the control of Islamist radicals. He is doing nothing to avoid the sequestration cuts that would harm national defense and a range of other government functions.

He has failed us. Congress has failed us.

It has taken four years for a case challenging his right to hold office and the Supreme Court has scheduled a “conference” in February that might decide to ignore a current case.

The mainstream media has failed us and we only hope the courts will not fail us.

He should not be administered the oath of office for a second time.

© Alan Caruba, 2013

Obamacare is All About Death and Taxes – Tea Party Nation

Obamacare is All About Death and Taxes – Tea Party Nation.

By Alan Caruba

Prior to the November elections, I received an email that was chilling. It was about the new Obamacare rules. Before I discuss the Obamacare taxes that are kicking in this year and next, I want to share excerpts from it.

The email was from an individual whose son-in-law has a brother who is a surgeon at Emory Hospital in Atlanta. It is ranked high among American hospitals. This is what he related:

“A group of non-doctors, from ‘our’ country’s Department of Health arrived last week at Emory for a two day session and is on their rounds around the country to make sure every hospital fully understands the new rules (which start in December (after the elections) concerning treating all patients over 70 years of age.”

“This group informed the staff Emory and all the doctors present that they will very soon not be allowed to operate on anyone over 70 (no matter how urgent or life threatening the situation is), without first having it approved by a board of eight doctors. Failure to comply will result in a huge financial burden to the hospital and more than likely the doctor will lose his/her ability to practice medicine anywhere in the country.”

“This board is to be established at every hospital in the country and the board members will only work eight hours a day…the DOH group almost got lynched at this point by the doctors who were present. The point that got the Emory doctors so upset originally was that the “Death Board” will be available only 8 hours during the day. And once their 8 hour shift is up, they may have to wait 16 hours to get in touch with them and another hour or two or three to get a decision and permission to operate.”

This is, however, anecdotal. Despite efforts to confirm whether this is a new, official policy, no confirmation could be found and, it should be noted that there have been numerous efforts to debunk what former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin dubbed “death panels.”

If the report of the visit to Emory Hospital is accurate, fears of death panels are true. If you or a member of your family is over age 70, Obamacare could lead to denied service and even death. According to an article in a December issue of U.S. News and World Report, this process, is also likely to include women seeking mammograms to detect breast cancer and even premature babies and infants in need of preventative treatment for a virus. So every American is now at risk if they have life-threatening health care needs.

If this seems fanciful, consider reports out of the United Kingdom where they have had socialized medicine for decades. There, both the elderly and sick babies are at risk of being abandoned by National Health Service hospitals.

Officially called the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Obamacare will surely migrate into a bureaucratic death sentence for an American healthcare system once deemed the best in the world.

In the course of the “fiscal cliff” negotiations Congress actually repealed a section of the ACA, the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports affecting people who need long-term care. It is likely that as the 2,000-plus pages of ACA are examined in greater detail by Congress, further dismantling will occur. It needs to be entirely repealed, something the House voted for, but which was deep-sixed in the Democrat-controlled Senate, and Obama would surely veto any effort to do so.

Obamacare’s taxes have arrived and they include another investment tax increase for taxpayers with taxable income exceeding $250,000 ($200,000 for singles). There is also another payroll tax increase of 0.9 percent in the hospital insurance portion of the payroll tax. There is a new tax on medical devices of 2.3 percent affecting manufacturers and importers on all their sales. This increase will be passed along to consumers.

There is a reduction in the income tax deduction for individual’s medical expenses and the elimination of the corporate income tax deduction for expenses related to the Medicare Part D subsidy and a limitation of the corporate income tax deduction for compensation that health insurance companies pay to their executives.

These ACA tax increases are in addition to a variety of other deductions that taxpayers have previously been allowed to take; in addition to a death tax increase there was the elimination of full expensing of capital purchases.

The news about Obamacare just keeps getting worse. Actuaries at the management consulting firm Oliver Wyman are predicting that the law’s age rating restrictions could mean a 42 percent hike in premium costs for people aged 21 to 29 when buying individual coverage.

After the Supreme Court ruled that ACA is a tax, the Congressional Budget Office did an update of its scoring of the law and concluded that Obamacare will spend $1.7 trillion over ten years on its coverage expansion provisions alone, including a massive expansion of Medicaid and federal subsidies for the new health insurance exchanges. This translates to federal health spending by 15 percent.

Infants, the young, middle aged and older, all will find their costs for medical care increase or even be denied. There is nothing “affordable” about Obamacare. It is a draconian threat to every American.

© Alan Caruba, 2013


Would States Secede to Protect Their Citizens? – Tea Party Nation

Would States Secede to Protect Their Citizens? – Tea Party Nation.

By Alan Caruba

Many, if not most, Americans are unaware that the nation is composed of separate republics with their own constitutions. They are, of course, the individual states.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved respectively, or to the people.” – Tenth Amendment

By tying compliance with federal laws and regulation to receiving funds, the states have been coerced to accept programs that limit freedoms enumerated in the Constitution and the passage of Obamacare is but one example. Some twenty states have refused to set up the mandated insurance exchanges. Obamacare grants the government complete control over the provision of medical care that every American has formerly received from the free market health system that it destroyed. It gives the federal government control over our lives in terms of who lives or dies.

As noted on the website of the Tenth Amendment Center: “The Founding Fathers has good reason to pen the Tenth Amendment.”

“The issue of power – and especially the great potential for a power struggle between the federal and the state governments – was extremely important to the America’s founders. They deeply distrusted government power, and their goal was to prevent the growth of the type of government that the British has exercised over the colonies.”

“Adoption of the Constitution of 1787 was opposed by a number of well-known patriots including Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and others. They passionately argued that the Constitution would eventually lead to a strong, centralized state power which would destroy the individual liberty of the People. Many in this movement were given the poorly-named tag ‘Anti-Federalists.’”

“The Tenth Amendment was added to the Constitution of 1787 largely because of the intellectual influence and personal persistence of the Anti-Federalists and their allies.”

Their worst fears are coming true as the nation heads into 2013. In just four years, the Obama administration, through its profligate borrowing and spending, has brought the nation to the brink of financial collapse and, as we have seen, the refusal of the President to negotiate anything than the current Band-Aid to avoid the “fiscal cliff” for another two months, has brought the nation to a point where the collapse of the U.S. dollar is not just imminent, but likely.

When that occurs the individual states may elect to secede in order to avoid having the federal government nationalize their National Guard units or take control of their state police to enforce whatever measures it might take to control the population. Individual state law enforcement authorities in cities and towns would need similar protection. Reportedly, massive amounts of funding have been directed to them to ensure their cooperation.

It would be a means to protect their citizens insofar as state constitutions grant the same rights as found in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. It would not surprise me to see Texas lead the way. Others would follow.

You know things are bad when historians like Arthur Herman, writing on the January 3 Fox News, says that “Washington’s Republicans and Democrats alike have become the toll collectors on the road to serfdom.” Citing recent riots in Argentina, Herman said that “Argentina reveals who really suffers when those who create a nation’s wealth get mugged by those who spend it—as just happened this week in Washington.”

If the private sector manages to rally this year, it may buy some time before the midterm elections in 2014. A letter to the editor in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune summed up the problem neatly. “Let’s look at what we have learned from this election: Twenty-one of 22 incumbent senators were re-elected, and 353 of 373 incumbent members of the House were re-elected. The American people have re-elected 94 percent of the incumbents who were running for re-election to an institution that has an approval rating of about 9 percent. This indicates, as an electorate, we are a nation of idiots. We’re now stuck with the useless, dysfunctional government that we deserve.”

The U.S. Constitution was written in the wake of the failure of the Articles of Confederation, the first attempt to unite the states for the common good of the growing nation. It is the product of some of the finest minds, the most dedicated advocates of liberty, to gather in one place at one time. It is the oldest, living Constitution in the world. It was adopted on September 17, 1787 and ratified in June of 1788.

On December 17, 1791, the first ten amendments—the Bill of Rights—were ratified. It is a list of immunities from interference by the federal government and the fears of the Founders are now being borne out by a government that is too large, borrows and spends too much money, and has departments such as the Homeland Security that threaten the rights of free speech, travel, and other freedoms. Every U.S. citizen is now subject to government surveillance more typical of a totalitarian government than one that respects and protects their personal security and rights.

This is why the United States could find itself in a rebellion that will rival the causes of the Civil War, itself a state’s rights conflict in addition to the issue of slavery that had hung over the Constitution since its ratification; an effort to “kick the can down the road” the Founders agreed to in order to get it ratified.

It is not beyond the imagination that a deliberately created crisis would prompt individual states to withdraw from the Union to protect themselves and their citizens, otherwise known as “the people.”

© Alan Caruba, 2012


Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots

Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots.

Craig Andresen

Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots

By Craig Andresen on January 8, 2013 at 6:02 am


Dear Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots,

We tried to tell you but YOU told US we were crazy.

You got your 1st paycheck of 2013 last Friday and many, MANY of you were astonished that it was smaller than it was the Friday before.

Guess what?

Elections have consequences.

YOU voted for what you DIDN’T get in your paychecks…TWICE.

You did and YOU know it.

For the last 4 years, the Emperor has made it very clear that he wanted to stick it to the “rich” and hike THEIR taxes.

WE, as conservatives, TRIED to tell you that HE was lying.

We tried and we tried and every time we told you he was going to hike YOUR taxes, even though YOU are part of the MIDDLE CLASS that the Emperor said MUST NOT be harmed by higher taxes…

YOU told us that WE had NO IDEA what we were talking about.

YOU called US crazy. You called US names.

YOU said WE were lying.

Well, now that you’ve seen your paychecks, what do you think?

77% of ALL Americans, regardless of their class, lower, middle or upper, have had their taxes jacked up.

YOU are among them.

WE were telling YOU the TRUTH.

Remember Obamacare?

Well, THAT’S just PART of your current tax hike.

We told you so.

Your payroll tax went up too, didn’t it?

We told you so.

Just wait until you try to take dividends out of your investments.

Those taxes have also gone up.

We told you so.

Death taxes?


We told you so.

If you happen to be the son or daughter of a farmer, there’s a pretty good chance that when your parents are gone, so too will be your family farm because you’ll have to sell it to pay the taxes.

That’s okay you say? Because you’ll just take the cash and run you say?

Don’t count on nearly as much as you would have gotten had, God forbid, your parents died LAST year because, Capital Gains taxes are also UP, Up, UP!!!

We told you so. Take another look at your paycheck liberals, socialists and assorted idiots and while you do, realize the guy responsible for your shrinking bottom line just came back from a 6 MILLION DOLLAR Hawaiian Vacation.

He left for vacation without having a deal to hike YOUR taxes yet, had to fly home to finish YOUR tax hike, flew BACK to Hawaii to play more golf and then, flew home again…ALL ON YOUR DIME WHILE YOU WAITED FOR YOUR FIRST…SMALLER…PAYCHECK OF THE YEAR.

We told you too, that were the Emperor allowed to jack up taxes on the “rich” he wouldn’t be done with it there. We TOLD you he would want MORE.

We were correct about that too.

Over the weekend, Pelosi made it clear that YOUR socialist party is not yet done raising taxes.

Where do YOU think they’re going to get that “EXTRA” revenue?

Pelosi says “NOT FROM THE MIDDLE CLASS” but, isn’t THAT what Obama told you too?

Just from the “rich?”

Isn’t THAT what Obama told you???

Just as they “ONLY” raised taxes on the “rich” in the fiscal cliff deal and just like “Obamacare is not a tax,” once again, they’re lying.

You don’t have to believe ME…

BELIEVE your PAYCHECK and then ask yourselves why Pelosi won’t commit to what they want to do next with taxes.

If you DON’T think MORE tax hikes and MORE revenue will come from YOUR paycheck…You ARE a very SPECIAL kind of stupid.

Here’s a clue for you regarding Obamacare…

The bill was 2700 pages long but, since it was passed, before anybody read it, more than 13,000 pages of government regulations have been written FOR Obamacare and they aren’t done yet.

ALL of those regulations are going to end up costing YOU money.

For those of you who say, “it’s okay that my taxes went up, if it helps the country…”

Think again.

For every dollar raised in this new tax deal that you were SO sure wouldn’t affect YOU…YOUR socialist party plans to spend an additional $40.00.

Not one red cent of the extra they took out of YOUR paycheck last Friday or every Friday to come will go toward paying down our annual deficit or our national debt.

Not one red cent.

For those of you who are saying, “Well, at least they got the big evil “rich” guys and corporations too…”

Not so fast.

Yes, those who are very rich got their taxes hiked but guess what? They own many, MANY businesses that YOU rely on every day.

If you buy gas or food, guess who ultimately pays the tax hike that THOSE companies got hit with?

Maybe you or someone you know needs an x-ray or a wheelchair or any one of a million other things called…Medical devices.

Guess who winds up paying the new Medical Device tax?

Let’s look at a pair of socks. Chances are, YOU will need a new pair of socks this year.

For Christmas, I got a package of 6 pairs of Starter Crew Socks. They’re made in the U.S.A I’m happy to say.

Well, NOW…Starter has to pay MORE for healthcare because, I’ll bet, THEY have more than 50 people working for them.

Do you think the owner of Starter is just going to eat that cost? Nope. They will pass it along.

Do you think those socks walk to the stores on their own?

No…There are shipping companies involved. Truckers, handlers, warehouses and all that goes with it. THEIR cost of doing business is going up too and they won’t be eating THEIR increased costs either.

Then, there’s the store that SELLS the socks.

See above.

Sooner or later, you’ll wash your socks. The water will cost more.

See above.

The detergent will cost more.

See above.

The electricity will cost more.

See above.

Got a gas dryer? Go right ahead and champion Matt Damon on fracking and the natural gas will cost more too.

See above.

Sooner or later, you’ll be going down to the river and beating your socks on a rock but…

The government will start regulating that too.

Don’t think so?

Well…We told you BEFORE the election that THOUSANDS of NEW REGULATIONS were in the offing should YOU reelect the Emperor.

Guess what?

We weren’t lying about that either.

So far…SINCE the election…AN AVERAGE OF more than 60 NEW REGULATIONS…PER DAY…OUTSIDE OF OBAMACARE…have been proposed and MANY, MANY of them have been made LAW.

Still don’t believe me?

Go to regulations.gov and count them up.

As I write this…there have been 67 NEW REGULATIONS proposed today as of 12:36pm 1/7/2013…5592 over the last 90 days!!!!

So WHO, exactly is paying for ALL THOSE TAX INCREASES that effect the cost of socks?

YOU are. You and I and everybody who buys socks.

It’s going to be that way for everything you buy. EVERYTHING.

Now how’s your paycheck looking?

We told you and we told you.

YOU didn’t believe US did you?

We also told you, before the election, about rampant inflation but, you chose to dismiss that too.

The Emperor’s Fed Chaiman, Bernake, says he will continue to print and print more and more money.

THAT makes every dollar you have left in your now diminished paycheck worth a little bit less every time he does that.

Is any of this starting to sink in?

You have less money in your paycheck now than you did when you got paid in 2012 and every dollar you have is worth less than it was in 2012.

THAT is what YOU voted FOR when YOU voted for Obama and every socialist democrat running for congress.

The fact is, WE told YOU about MORE than just your taxes before the election.

WE told you about your rights…Free speech…To bear arms…

WE told you about the Constitution.

You probably still don’t believe us regarding those things but…You should.

You see…It’s not just OUR rights, as conservatives, at stake…The same Constitution that protects US against the government also protects YOU and when it’s gone, whittled away bit by bit, YOU won’t be any more protected than will WE.

When socialists tell us what we can and can’t eat, buy, sell, own, do, say, believe in, where to live or see, hear, read, subscribe to, sing or pledge…They aren’t just telling CONSERVATIVES…They’re also telling YOU, socialists, liberals and other assorted idiots.


YOU don’t believe me?

Well…YOU believed the tax hikes were ONLY gonna punish the “rich…”

Didn’t you?

The liar in Chief – Tea Party Nation

The liar in Chief – Tea Party Nation.

Posted by Judson Phillips

Barack Obama is the liar in chief.  We know this for any number of reasons.  First, he is a Chicago politician, so you know if his lips are moving, he is lying.  Second, he is a hard-core leftist. 

 How does that prove he is lying?  What is he lying about?

 In 2008, Barack Obama told voters he would not come for their guns.  He said, “When you all go home and you’re talking to your buddies and you say, ah ‘He wants to take my gun away.’  You’ve heard it here,  I’m on television so everybody knows it.  I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away.”

Now that he is a lame duck, he wants to follow his heroes, Lenin, Stalin and Mao and make sure the people are disarmed.

yoursolutionThe Obama Regime has two strategies for a massive gun control program.  The first is to act by executive order.  Given Obama’s dictatorial dreams, this is certainly his first choice.  He wants to reclassify semi-automatic guns as automatic weapons and therefore illegal under the Gun Control Act of 1968

Obama’s second choice is to use his Obamacare strategy.

Obama needed a lot of help getting Obamacare passed.  He could not do it on his own.  So he went the route of crony capitalism.   The Obama Team went to the Drug and Hospital industries and asked them what they wanted. 

Pure and simple: they were bribed to support Obamacare.

Obama is going to go to firearms retailers, such as Wal-Mart and get them onboard by eliminating gun shows

Right now, private transactions are not subject to Federal background checks.  This is a huge advantage for these gun shows and many people purchase their weapons at these shows for that very reason.  They do not want the Federal Government to be aware of their firearm purchases. 

9lhvviDo you blame them?

All the background checks do is give the Feds a map of where to go to start confiscating guns. 

Think that won’t happen?

Remember Katrina?  The local cops went door-to-door confiscating guns. 

The gun-grabbing socialists are making a major push to transform America and we cannot allow this to happen.  The real danger here is a bill they will craft that cannot pass on its own but will be attached in a so-called conference committee to a “must pass” bill.

If somehow a gun control bill passes, this will be the time for real Americans to fight back.   Americans should refuse to obey this bill and have our state legislators pass laws that specifically protect firearms and firearms rights in their state.

A_A8oj5CcAAVUu1.jpg largeFor every Congressman and Senator up for reelection in 2014, our message should be simple.  Do anything to interfere with our 2nd Amendment rights and we are going to end your political career.

The danger here is not simply the loss of our 2nd Amendment rights. 


If the 2nd Amendment goes, how much longer does the 1st Amendment have? 

How much longer do any of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights have?

The Future – Tea Party Nation


The Future – Tea Party Nation.


Posted by Judson Phillips


The Republicans have done the unthinkable.  They reelected John Boehner as Speaker of the House.  There was no compelling reason to do so.  Boehner is simply the worst Speaker in the history of the world.  Reelecting Boehner is like the Detroit Lions going 0-16 and deciding they should keep their head coach. 


 What’s the difference between the Republicans of the 112th Congress and the 2008 Detroit Lions who went 0-16?  The Lions had a better season than Congress did.  And the Lions would at least get on the field and fight, which is more than we can say for Boehner.


 But Boehner has been reelected and now we have to deal with the future.  What is coming and coming soon?  How do we deal with it?


 Coming up in March will be the debt ceiling, sequestration and the end of the continuing resolution that has kept government funded for the last six months.


 This is like the massive Battle of the Bulge during World War 2, but instead of General Patton, we have John Boehner.


 We can win this fight, assuming Boehner and the Republican leadership will fight.   First, we have two months to get our messaging out.  The messaging is simple, do we want more debt or less?


 The Party of Treason wants us to have debt. 


 We now have levels of debt that the Greeks wish they had.   Debt only leads us to one place.   National Bankruptcy.


 80% of Americans realize this.


 This is the story we need to be telling now.  This fight in March is simple.  Do we want more debt or do we want less.


 The Republicans must be the Party of less debt.  Obama has given us more debt that all other administrations combined.     He can’t say a word.   Obama trying to lecture America on debt is like Kim Kardashian lecturing us on the sanctity of marriage.


 The Republicans must commit to being the Party of less debt.


 How do we get less debt?


 It is simple. 


 We stop spending money.


 Republicans within the Congress must not only commit to real spending cuts, they must be ready to shut the government down to force Obama to concede. 


 This is the fight that the Republicans must be willing to go to the mat for. 


 This is also a fight the Republicans must begin today.


 One huge problem Republicans have is that they are absolutely horrible at messaging.   Obama will drone on about the rich paying their “fair share,” while Republicans sit on the sidelines assuming the American people will pick up their message by osmosis.


 The Republicans must get someone on board who understands messaging and who can get the Party onboard with messaging the American people will understand.


 This battle has a simple message.  Do you want more debt or less debt?  Is debt good or bad?  Everyone knows debt is bad and no one wants more.


 If the Republicans message this as a choice between less debt and more debt, Americans get that choice.  Americans understand that.


 If John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are left to message this battle, we are lost.   


The coming crisis – Tea Party Nation

The coming crisis – Tea Party Nation.

Posted by Judson Phillips

A1oY9n6CQAImJcc.jpg largeBarack Obama is about to bring a new crisis upon us.    Unfortunately it looks like John Boehner will be the House Speaker, so he will be leading the Republicans, so the crisis will not end well for America.

 What is the new crisis that is coming and what will it mean for America?

 Barack Obama has thrown down the gauntlet on the Debt Ceiling fight.   He has said he will not negotiate with the Republican majority in the House. 

 He just expects the GOP to roll over and do what he wants.

 If John Boehner remains as Speaker that may well happen.

 Obama signaled early on what he wanted with the debt ceiling.  He wants the unlimited authority to incur debt.    He wants to borrow money without any Congressional oversight.

 What he really wants is the power to be a dictator.

 Barack Obama does not like the American system of government.  He doesn’t like our founding fathers either.   Our founding fathers were very wise. They dealt with tyranny in their lifetime.   The fundamental purpose of the way they set up our government was not to be efficient or even to accommodate rapid change. 

 It was to block the accumulation of power by one man.

 Barack Obama wants to change this.

 If you read the Constitution, you see the genius of our founding fathers.  They set up three co-equal branches of government but it was the legislative, not the executive that was set up with the most power.

 Over the last 100 years, we have seen the erosion of this concept as the executive branch has grown in size and usurped more power.

 Barack Obama wants the authority to borrow money without even having to discuss the matter with Congress for two reasons.  Incurring even more debt is a part of his strategy to take America down as a superpower. 

 Obama does not love America.  He hates America.  He looks at America through his Marxist background and sees not the greatest nation in the world.   He does not see the country that has done more good for more people than any other nation.  He sees the evil oppressive power that Marxists always view America as.

 By continuing to borrow money, unabated, he knows sooner or later debt will completely bring down the American economy and possibly the American state.

 There is a deeper battle here as well.

 If Barack Obama and the Party of Treason can beat the Republicans down to the point where they abdicate or at least refuse to fight for their Constitutionally mandated role in controlling the purse, America will no longer have three co-equal branches of government. 

 If Obama wins this next battle, it will fundamentally transform America and our government.   Which is exactly what he said he wanted to do when he ran in 2008.  Obama has spoken several times, almost longingly talking about how he wishes he had dictatorial powers.   Now, here is his chance.

 The legislative branch, instead of being equal to the executive will now become inferior and submissive.   The tyranny of the strong leader that our founding fathers feared will have materialized here in America. 

 Today we need strong leadership.  We need men and women of courage and vision.  We need leaders like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or James Madison.

 Instead we are stuck with John Boehner.

How Not to Run a Nation – Tea Party Nation

How Not to Run a Nation – Tea Party Nation.

By Alan Caruba

The political farce that ended 2012 and began 2013 has surely made the United States a laughingstock among the nations of the world. The sharp divisions between liberals and conservatives in Congress led to desperate last minute negotiations to avoid a “fiscal cliff” that faced the nation’s taxpayers and that still threatens default on our debts. The same battles will be fought again when it comes time to raise the nation’s debt ceiling limit in two months.

This is a Congress that has not passed a budget for three years.

This is no way to run a nation!

By a vote of 89-8 in the early hours of Tuesday, the Democrat-controlled Senate approved a plan to raise taxes on families earning more than $250,000 and to postpone sequester cuts for two months. By mid-afternoon, however, Politico.com reported that “House Republicans are overwhelmingly opposed to the Senate’s bill to avert the fiscal cliff, making it nearly certain that Speaker John Boehner’s chamber will amend the legislation and send it back to the Senate – a potentially serious blow to a package that appeared well on its way to becoming law.”

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the No. 2 House Republican, told GOP lawmakers that he was opposed to the legislation in its current form. Republicans are chiefly concerned with the lack of spending cuts in the tax bill.” And that has been the problem since Obama took office, too much spending and too much borrowing to continue spending.

For the year or more the “fiscal cliff” existed Congress chose to do nothing. The frantic negotiations resulted in an agreement to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, something Democrats and the President campaigned against for years.

Having to fight these fiscal battles all over again in two months will only reaffirm that Congress is incapable to arriving at common sense solutions. For the 47% of Americans who pay no taxes, the discussion is a distraction from watching the bowl games and other diversions.

It is useful to review the Heritage Foundation analysis issued prior to the late night vote. Amy Payne spelled it out in a recent commentary, saying “Tax hikes are the centerpiece of the problem” warning that the largest tax increase in American history was scheduled to kick in on January 1.

While the Bush tax cuts remain, solutions are needed to resolve what to do with the payroll tax, the alternative minimum tax patch, and a host of other tax policies that were scheduled to expire at year’s end.

However, twenty tax increases built into Obamacare are scheduled to go into effect. They will generate a trillion dollar increase for the years 2013-2022. Curiously, a tax on medical instruments that covers everything from tongue depressors to MRI machines will make healthcare more expensive for everyone despite the claim that Obamacare would make healthcare more affordable.

As the Heritage Foundation and others have been shouting from the housetops, Obamacare raises the hospital insurance (HI) portion of the payroll tax on wage income over $250,000 from 2.9 percent to 3.8 percent. It then applies that 3.8 percent rate to investment income-capital gains and dividends—for anyone earning above $250,000.

Tax experts like Curtis Dubay, a senior policy analyst for the Heritage Foundation, points out that “this is a massive policy change, since it represents the first time the payroll tax will apply to investment income.” He calls the investment income HI tax “a dangerous step down a slippery, tax-hiking slope”, predicting that “the economy will suffer, because incentives to work and invest will fall. Less work and investment will mean that businesses create fewer jobs and pay their existing workers less than they otherwise would have.”

Dubay refutes President Obama’s claim that his plan for taxing the rich would just be a return to the rates that existed under President Clinton. “That is flat out incorrect,” noting that Obama is ignoring the tax hikes hidden in Obamacare.

Stephen Moore, a member of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board and a senior economics writer, a regular commentator on CNBC-TV and Fox News, has a new book out, “Who’s the Fairest of the Them All? The Truth About Opportunity, Taxes, and Wealth in America.” ($21.50, Encounter Books). It blessedly brief, but it covers a lot of ground, especially as regards the lies coming out of the White House about the “rich.”

A lot of Americans are oblivious to the fact that the President is operating from an ideology that is the opposite of everything that built the greatest economy the world has ever seen. His views are those of a Socialist or to put it more bluntly, a Communist. He stops short of initiating programs by which the government would nationalize all industries, but Obamacare in effect does that for the health care industry; twenty percent of the nation’s economy.

In his book, Moore defends the free enterprise system as “the on-ramp to economic progress and rising incomes.” Under President Obama, “the ranks of the poor have risen and the progress of the middle class has stalled in the United States in recent years because we have moved so aggressively away from free markets and toward ham-handed government solutions.”

The lies the President told all through his 2008 campaign and the last four years of his first term have all been intended to create class warfare. Moore points out that “Mr. Obama says that in recent decades the middle class has suffered and shrunk. He is dead wrong on this count. In fact, the last thirty years (up until the 2008 recession) have been a boom period for the middle class.”

The proof of that, Moore notes, “By 2011, after Mr. Obama’s first three full years in office, and after nearly two years of radical spending and taxing policies, the median American family incomes declined by almost $4,500 for every household. The poverty rate increased, and so did the number of Americans losing their homes. Yes, Mr. Obama inherited an economic mess, but his policies have done little to stop the decline.”

Throughout 2012, according to Obama, if you earn more than $250,000 you are among the “rich” in America. This is surely a redefining of what we used to consider rich; usually those earning a million or more. As things stand now “Our government,” says Moore, “relies for more than 50 percent of its revenue on the richest three percent.”

The tax rate increase on “the rich” that Obama has been demanding would raise enough revenue to run the nation for about a week. Meanwhile, the U.S. must borrow $4.8 billion every day just to meet its expenses.

Obama’s goals since becoming President can be found in the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” and I recommend you get familiar with it as the nation hurtles toward financial collapse because that is exactly what the strategy is intended to bring about in order to impose a total socialist/communist system on the world’s greatest capitalistic economy.

Among the strategy’s proposals was a “massive drive to recruit the poor onto the welfare rolls” and we have seen this in the expansion of the food stamp program and loosening of requirements for those on welfare to seek employment. The goal of the Cloward-Piven strategy is to ultimately “sabotage and destroy the welfare system in order to ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would ‘the rest of society’ accept their demands.”

That is Obama’s definition of “fairness” and it exists today as half of society, those with jobs or self-employed, are having their income taxed to pay for government programs for those who do not work or cannot find work; an estimated 26 million are unemployed or stopped looking for work. Another 47 million are using food stamps, a program that has greatly expanded during Obama’s first term and which uses television commercials to encourage more people to sign on.

A recent Rasmussen Reports poll noted that 73% of likely voters want government spending cut. They sense the danger of a government grown so large it threatens the economy and, indeed, enforcement of the Constitution’s limits on government.

It has become a cliché to say the problem is government spending, but the problem is government spending.

There are a variety of scenarios regarding the near future and among them is the collapse of the U.S. dollar. Should that occur there would be wide-spread panic and demands that the government “do something.” One massive form of control has already been imposed in the form of Obamacare. When the government can determine who lives or dies, or how much care they can receive, Americans have lost a precious freedom. Other freedoms would be lost.

Obama has found ways to worsen the financial crisis and it has been deliberate. He is not merely “transforming” America, he is destroying it.

© Alan Caruba, 2013


Another failure of liberalism – Tea Party Nation

National Fatherhood Initiative

National Fatherhood Initiative (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Another failure of liberalism – Tea Party Nation.


Posted by Judson Phillips


Liberals like to scream about the causes of poverty.  As with everything else they scream about, they cannot get their facts right.


 Poverty is not caused by racism or injustice.  It is caused by government policies.   One of the biggest root causes of poverty is the government policies that create fatherless families.


 From the Washington Times:


 Nicole Hawkins‘ three daughters have matching glittery boots, but none has the same father. Each has uniquely colored ties in her hair, but none has a dad present in her life.


As another single mother on Sumner Road decked her row-house stoop with Christmas lights and a plastic Santa, Ms. Hawkins recalled that her middle child’s father has never spent a holiday or birthday with her. In her neighborhood in Southeast Washington, 1 in 10 children live with both parents, and 84 percent live with only their mother.


In every state, the portion of families where children have two parents, rather than one, has dropped significantly over the past decade. Even as the country added 160,000 families with children, the number of two-parent households decreased by 1.2 million. Fifteen million U.S. children, or 1 in 3, live without a father, and nearly 5 million live without a mother. In 1960, just 11 percent of American children lived in homes without fathers.


America is awash in poverty, crime, drugs and other problems, but more than perhaps anything else, it all comes down to this, said Vincent DiCaro, vice president of the National Fatherhood Initiative: Deal with absent fathers, and the rest follows.


People “look at a child in need, in poverty or failing in school, and ask, ‘What can we do to help?’ But what we do is ask, ‘Why does that child need help in the first place?’ And the answer is often it’s because [the child lacks] a responsible and involved father,” he said.




 The government policies that liberals champion have created an expressway to poverty.   In the inner city, women with three, four or five children all with different fathers is not uncommon.   The women don’t care if they get pregnant.  After all, the government is there to give them money.  The men just want to be able to have sex with a woman without the commitment of marriage.   Unfortunately, the welfare programs in this nation encourage illegitimacy and punish the creation of families.


 The simple truth is, one of the fastest ways to avoid poverty is not to have children until you are married and stay married once you have children.


 That truth is so simple, even a liberal should be able to understand it.


Israel’s armed school playgrounds – Tea Party Nation

Israel’s armed school playgrounds – Tea Party Nation.

Jack E. Kemp

When I visited Israel in the 1990s, I recall walking by a Tel Aviv grade school that had a man carrying an Uzi submachine gun, standing guard over the children at play outside. Yesterday Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs had a photo of an Israeli woman grade school teacher carrying a rifle slung over her shoulder as she accompanied her children outside the school. As Pamela’s caption reads, in Israel, they provide (armed) protection. In the US, they provide condoms. http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2012/12/media-alert…

There was a time in the frontier West when most women knew how to load and shoot a gun. Many women in the South were and are also adept with guns. Come to think of it, the left is always making an issue of women in the military being given greater combat related assignments. Here is a combat related assignment in the home guard,” a mission that any mother or woman acting in place of a mother can relate to: protecting the lives of her children.

This liberal fantasy of a “gun free zone” around schools invites every mentally unstable person to use it as a target range.Banning LEGAL guns will not stop the banning of ILLEGAL guns by criminals and the insane. As others have pointed out, European countries, with their strict gun control laws, have not stopped massacres. And there are other ways to kill people, readily  available without a license, that can be used to kill people. At the very least, children seeing an armed teacher will not be taught how to be victims in school but rather the opposite.