Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots

Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots.

Craig Andresen

Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots

By Craig Andresen on January 8, 2013 at 6:02 am


Dear Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots,

We tried to tell you but YOU told US we were crazy.

You got your 1st paycheck of 2013 last Friday and many, MANY of you were astonished that it was smaller than it was the Friday before.

Guess what?

Elections have consequences.

YOU voted for what you DIDN’T get in your paychecks…TWICE.

You did and YOU know it.

For the last 4 years, the Emperor has made it very clear that he wanted to stick it to the “rich” and hike THEIR taxes.

WE, as conservatives, TRIED to tell you that HE was lying.

We tried and we tried and every time we told you he was going to hike YOUR taxes, even though YOU are part of the MIDDLE CLASS that the Emperor said MUST NOT be harmed by higher taxes…

YOU told us that WE had NO IDEA what we were talking about.

YOU called US crazy. You called US names.

YOU said WE were lying.

Well, now that you’ve seen your paychecks, what do you think?

77% of ALL Americans, regardless of their class, lower, middle or upper, have had their taxes jacked up.

YOU are among them.

WE were telling YOU the TRUTH.

Remember Obamacare?

Well, THAT’S just PART of your current tax hike.

We told you so.

Your payroll tax went up too, didn’t it?

We told you so.

Just wait until you try to take dividends out of your investments.

Those taxes have also gone up.

We told you so.

Death taxes?


We told you so.

If you happen to be the son or daughter of a farmer, there’s a pretty good chance that when your parents are gone, so too will be your family farm because you’ll have to sell it to pay the taxes.

That’s okay you say? Because you’ll just take the cash and run you say?

Don’t count on nearly as much as you would have gotten had, God forbid, your parents died LAST year because, Capital Gains taxes are also UP, Up, UP!!!

We told you so. Take another look at your paycheck liberals, socialists and assorted idiots and while you do, realize the guy responsible for your shrinking bottom line just came back from a 6 MILLION DOLLAR Hawaiian Vacation.

He left for vacation without having a deal to hike YOUR taxes yet, had to fly home to finish YOUR tax hike, flew BACK to Hawaii to play more golf and then, flew home again…ALL ON YOUR DIME WHILE YOU WAITED FOR YOUR FIRST…SMALLER…PAYCHECK OF THE YEAR.

We told you too, that were the Emperor allowed to jack up taxes on the “rich” he wouldn’t be done with it there. We TOLD you he would want MORE.

We were correct about that too.

Over the weekend, Pelosi made it clear that YOUR socialist party is not yet done raising taxes.

Where do YOU think they’re going to get that “EXTRA” revenue?

Pelosi says “NOT FROM THE MIDDLE CLASS” but, isn’t THAT what Obama told you too?

Just from the “rich?”

Isn’t THAT what Obama told you???

Just as they “ONLY” raised taxes on the “rich” in the fiscal cliff deal and just like “Obamacare is not a tax,” once again, they’re lying.

You don’t have to believe ME…

BELIEVE your PAYCHECK and then ask yourselves why Pelosi won’t commit to what they want to do next with taxes.

If you DON’T think MORE tax hikes and MORE revenue will come from YOUR paycheck…You ARE a very SPECIAL kind of stupid.

Here’s a clue for you regarding Obamacare…

The bill was 2700 pages long but, since it was passed, before anybody read it, more than 13,000 pages of government regulations have been written FOR Obamacare and they aren’t done yet.

ALL of those regulations are going to end up costing YOU money.

For those of you who say, “it’s okay that my taxes went up, if it helps the country…”

Think again.

For every dollar raised in this new tax deal that you were SO sure wouldn’t affect YOU…YOUR socialist party plans to spend an additional $40.00.

Not one red cent of the extra they took out of YOUR paycheck last Friday or every Friday to come will go toward paying down our annual deficit or our national debt.

Not one red cent.

For those of you who are saying, “Well, at least they got the big evil “rich” guys and corporations too…”

Not so fast.

Yes, those who are very rich got their taxes hiked but guess what? They own many, MANY businesses that YOU rely on every day.

If you buy gas or food, guess who ultimately pays the tax hike that THOSE companies got hit with?

Maybe you or someone you know needs an x-ray or a wheelchair or any one of a million other things called…Medical devices.

Guess who winds up paying the new Medical Device tax?

Let’s look at a pair of socks. Chances are, YOU will need a new pair of socks this year.

For Christmas, I got a package of 6 pairs of Starter Crew Socks. They’re made in the U.S.A I’m happy to say.

Well, NOW…Starter has to pay MORE for healthcare because, I’ll bet, THEY have more than 50 people working for them.

Do you think the owner of Starter is just going to eat that cost? Nope. They will pass it along.

Do you think those socks walk to the stores on their own?

No…There are shipping companies involved. Truckers, handlers, warehouses and all that goes with it. THEIR cost of doing business is going up too and they won’t be eating THEIR increased costs either.

Then, there’s the store that SELLS the socks.

See above.

Sooner or later, you’ll wash your socks. The water will cost more.

See above.

The detergent will cost more.

See above.

The electricity will cost more.

See above.

Got a gas dryer? Go right ahead and champion Matt Damon on fracking and the natural gas will cost more too.

See above.

Sooner or later, you’ll be going down to the river and beating your socks on a rock but…

The government will start regulating that too.

Don’t think so?

Well…We told you BEFORE the election that THOUSANDS of NEW REGULATIONS were in the offing should YOU reelect the Emperor.

Guess what?

We weren’t lying about that either.

So far…SINCE the election…AN AVERAGE OF more than 60 NEW REGULATIONS…PER DAY…OUTSIDE OF OBAMACARE…have been proposed and MANY, MANY of them have been made LAW.

Still don’t believe me?

Go to regulations.gov and count them up.

As I write this…there have been 67 NEW REGULATIONS proposed today as of 12:36pm 1/7/2013…5592 over the last 90 days!!!!

So WHO, exactly is paying for ALL THOSE TAX INCREASES that effect the cost of socks?

YOU are. You and I and everybody who buys socks.

It’s going to be that way for everything you buy. EVERYTHING.

Now how’s your paycheck looking?

We told you and we told you.

YOU didn’t believe US did you?

We also told you, before the election, about rampant inflation but, you chose to dismiss that too.

The Emperor’s Fed Chaiman, Bernake, says he will continue to print and print more and more money.

THAT makes every dollar you have left in your now diminished paycheck worth a little bit less every time he does that.

Is any of this starting to sink in?

You have less money in your paycheck now than you did when you got paid in 2012 and every dollar you have is worth less than it was in 2012.

THAT is what YOU voted FOR when YOU voted for Obama and every socialist democrat running for congress.

The fact is, WE told YOU about MORE than just your taxes before the election.

WE told you about your rights…Free speech…To bear arms…

WE told you about the Constitution.

You probably still don’t believe us regarding those things but…You should.

You see…It’s not just OUR rights, as conservatives, at stake…The same Constitution that protects US against the government also protects YOU and when it’s gone, whittled away bit by bit, YOU won’t be any more protected than will WE.

When socialists tell us what we can and can’t eat, buy, sell, own, do, say, believe in, where to live or see, hear, read, subscribe to, sing or pledge…They aren’t just telling CONSERVATIVES…They’re also telling YOU, socialists, liberals and other assorted idiots.


YOU don’t believe me?

Well…YOU believed the tax hikes were ONLY gonna punish the “rich…”

Didn’t you?

What to Expect Next in the USSA – Unionized Socialist States of America. – Tea Party Nation

What to Expect Next in the USSA – Unionized Socialist States of America. – Tea Party Nation.

Posted by Jane Galt

The only hope I’ve had in the last 4 years was when I thought Romney would win, maybe get a Senate majority and fix this mess, and pull us back from the collapse being caused by Obama and the Progressives. My hope is shattered now.


This is the way I feel tonight:

The photo is of a Frenchman in the streets of Paris after Hitler‘s armies invaded.

They’re destroying my country.

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” – Norman Thomas, Socialist Party presidential candidate 1936-1968, co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union

We can’t expect the American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism UNTIL they awaken one day to find they HAVE COMMUNISM.” – Nikita Kruschev, 1959

There is no such thing as a liberal…There hasn’t been for a long, long time. I never use the word and you shouldn’t either – nobody should. ‘Liberal’ is what socialists call themselves when they don’t want you to understand that they plan to take away your rights, your property, and eventually your life.” – Alexander Hope

Your children will live under communism.” Khrushchev said.

On the contrary,” Secretary Benson replied, “My grandchildren will live in freedom as I hope that all people will.”

Khrushchev then retorted: “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept Communism outright; but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”



So here we are. It’s arrived. 1913-2013. The 100 year Great Progressive March “Forward” ( Obama’s campaign slogan was taken directly from Mao ) has finally succeeded in bringing America down. Without firing a shot. Having just heard that Obama is projected to have won another term, I find myself fighting back against allowing suicidal feelings, as I imagine many others are right now.

The numbers of votes by which he “won” many of these swing states was so thin that we might say that the dead re-elected him. It may be true. We may actually find it to be true later, if anyone is still interested, but it will be too late.

I’m not sure exactly what, if anything good, I personally have to look forward to in the next four years. I’ve pretty much lost all hope at this point, and nothing will change, except for things to get much, much worse. You’ll soon think of these as “the good old days”.

So what is there to actually look forward to now?

Well, Dear Leader will be unimpeachable, being it appears that the Senate will remain in the control of the Democrat-Socialists. So he can do anything he wants, pretty much like he has the last four years. Congress is a potted plant, he just issues the orders. You will obey. And hope that he doesn’t call down a drone strike on you.


You may as well forget about his orders for our military to “stand down” in Benghazi.

He’s Dear Leader, he gives the orders, if you don’t like it, too bad. Nancy Pelosi will march through the streets with her gavel, laughing at you.


He lied, people died? Too bad. Unimpeachable.

I suppose we need to quit quoting the Constitution – it’s fiction now and it’s dead.

And you’d better not say or write anything that might offend muslims! It will probably be made illegal.

He will now only worsen the strangulation of our domestic energy production. New EPA regulations are about to come out after the elections, which will crack down even further on coal and fossil fuels. His “War on Coal” will be won – there will be no more domestic coal production. It’s one of the few promises he made that he will keep.


Those in the coal producing states who voted for him will deserve what they get. I can only hope that any coal worker and unionist who voted for him, will never work again.

So expect gas and electricity prices to keep rising until you may spend half ( why not 3/4? ) your income just to drive, and heat and cool your home. The 51% of our electricity production that comes from coal will be phased out.


None of that new safe clean nuclear power will be allowed either. You know, the stuff that could power this whole nation for 2 billion years?

We’ve now abandoned all hope of ever being able to hire for our small business here. We’ll be lucky if we can just stay in business another four years. I know many other business owners who are feeling the same way right now. Forget jobs and hiring, we’ll all be lucky just to survive another four years of this guy. And from what I heard of the exit polling, most people are still “blaming Bush”. I’m suppressing the urge to become apoplectic over hearing that one, and just have my head explode all over the walls.

And Romney won’t be able to replace Fed Chairman Bernanke, so the Fed will just continue devaluing the dollar until it’s completely worthless. But don’t expect to be paid anymore as your food and gas costs double.

There will be a slow decline in the value of the Dollar, a managed decline.” – George Soros, Financial Times, October 23 2009.

The Fed won’t be audited either, because the Democrat-Socialists will still control the Senate.

The indoctrination of school children will continue, as it has since the 60’s, until everyone will grow up believing in the glorious revolution to a One-World Government that was culminated by Dear Leader Obama. “When he was born, a million doves flew to the stars, and he came from a virgin birth, didn’t you hear?”

Those of us over 60 may be lucky to die of poverty before a death panel denies us care and they give us a little blue pill like they do in EU, to end us. At this point I’m not sure which will be worse.

Obama Care” will continue to collapse our economy, which Obama has been holding off the collapse of, until after these elections anyway, so expect it soon. ( Unions will still be exempt. )

After the Collapse, expect calls for a One-World Government to be the only thing that can “save” us. All private property and all wealth will be seized, nationalized and redistributed to those that the government deems to “need” it, and it will happen on a global scale. No one will be able to hide their money or property.

All the greedy crony capitalist corporations that supported Obama and the Socialists because they made lots of money from them, will eventually learn that they will be consumed by the Beast of collectivism too. They’ll work for the government, for food and maybe $2 an hour.

Iran will get the bomb, as will Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Israel may be wiped off the face of the earth, but they will not go down without a brave fight. Obama will not support them and will likely deny any survivors refugee status here in the USSA. They’ll say it was the Jews‘ own fault for “oppressing” the Philistines. ( Palestinians )

But here in Colorado, it looks like Marijuana will be legalized now, so at least we’ll be able to commit slow suicide by getting stoned out of our minds and eating ourselves to death from the munchies. ( If we can’t work because of that, we can always go on welfare and let the government support us, right? ) That would have appealed to me in my 20’s in the 70’s, but life was much better then. Not so much now, as I’m probably too depressed to even be brought up by the artificial high of pot right now.

Meanwhile, I hope they don’t try to send me off to a re-education camp. I won’t go quietly.

I suppose it would probably be wise of me to stop writing these opinion blogs that are so critical of Dear Leader and their Glorious Comrades, but who cares anymore, right? What’s the point in caring?

Who is Jane Galt?


President Obama’s top 10 constitutional violations | The Daily Caller

President Obama’s top 10 constitutional violations | The Daily Caller.


Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies, Cato Institute



One of the biggest political changes that 2011 brought — in large part due to the tea parties and their effect on the 2010 election — is the centrality of the Constitution to our public discourse. Lawmakers and citizens no longer consider simply whether a given bill or policy proposal is a good idea but whether it is constitutional. “Where does the government get the power to do that?” is often critics’ rallying cry.

That’s a healthy development. For far too long, even in those rare moments when politicians were faced with constitutional concerns, they’ve had the attitude Nancy Pelosi did when asked about the authority for Obamacare’s individual mandate: “Are you serious?” Because, of course, constitutional arguments are the last refuge of the scoundrel who has no good policy arguments to make or political power to levy.

And so it’s a good thing that Americans are taking their founding document seriously. After all, the Constitution is the font of all federal power. Its carefully crafted structural provisions that we learned about in grade school, such as the separation of powers and checks and balances, are not merely an application of political theory.

“Federalism is more than an exercise in setting the boundary between different institutions of government for their own integrity,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for a unanimous Supreme Court earlier this year. “By denying any one government complete jurisdiction over all the concerns of public life,” Kennedy continued, “federalism protects the liberty of the individual from arbitrary power.” If the federal government acts outside the scope of its delegated and carefully enumerated powers, then it’s no better than an armed mob.

The Obama administration and its allies in Congress have perpetrated more than their share of such mob-like actions. While it’s hard to narrow them down, here’s my stab at the government’s top 10 constitutional violations since President Obama took office.

1. The individual mandate

No list of President Obama’s constitutional violations would be complete without including the requirement that every American purchase health insurance, on penalty of civil fine. The individual mandate is unprecedented and exceeds Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce. If it is allowed to stand, Congress will be able to impose any kind of economic mandate as part of any kind of national regulatory scheme. Fortunately, the Supreme Court has a chance to strike this down during its current term.

2. Medicaid coercion

The Court will also be taking up Obamacare’s massive intrusion on federal-state relations in the form of a coercive Medicaid expansion. The law compels states to drastically increase their Medicaid expenditures and reorganize their health care bureaucracies, on penalty of losing all (not just additional) Medicaid funds. No state contemplated such a program when it signed onto Medicaid — Arizona was the last to join, in 1982 — and now no state can afford to withdraw. Indeed, even if some withdrawal mechanism existed, withdrawn states’ taxpayers would still be funding complying states’ Medicaid programs. As the Supreme Court held in South Dakota v. Dole, there comes a point when “the financial inducement offered by Congress might be so coercive as to pass the point at which pressure turns into compulsion.”

3. The Independent Payment Advisory Board (a.k.a. “The Death Panel”)

IPAB is the group of 15 presidential appointees who, beginning in 2014, are tasked with reducing Medicare spending. Any decisions IPAB makes automatically become law that can only be overridden by a three-fifths majority vote in the Senate. Unlike other federal agencies, IPAB is subject to no external review — no public notification in advance of proposed rules or opportunity for comment, no administrative guidelines and no judicial review. Medicare comprises about 13 percent of the federal budget, so that’s an awesome amount of power for Congress to delegate to unelected executive-branch bureaucrats. Indeed, it’s so basic a violation of traditional separation of powers that there’s no historical analog. The Goldwater Institute has filed a strong lawsuit challenging this (yet another) unprecedented aspect of Obamacare, which will continue wending its way through the lower courts regardless of how the Supreme Court rules on the individual mandate and Medicaid-coercion issues.

4. The Chrysler bailout

Building on the Bush administration’s illegal use of TARP funds to bail out the auto industry, the Obama administration bullied Chrysler’s secured creditors — who were entitled to “absolute priority” — into accepting 30 cents on the dollar, while junior creditors such as labor unions received much more. This subversion of creditor rights violates not just bankruptcy law but also the Constitution’s Takings and Due Process Clauses. This blatant crony capitalism — government-directed industrial policy to help political insiders — discourages investors and generally undermines confidence in American rule of law.

5. Dodd-Frank

Intended to remedy weaknesses in the U.S. financial system — ensuring transparency and accountability — the Dodd-Frank financial “reform” empowered unlimited, unreviewable and often secret bureaucratic discretion. The administrative bodies the legislation created face no constraints on the exercise of arbitrary authority. For example, the Treasury Department now has broad and essentially unchecked power to seize banks and other financial entities that it determines are unsound but “too big to fail.” The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Financial Stability Oversight Council, meanwhile, craft, execute and interpret their own law. Due process and separation of powers issues abound.

6. The deep-water drilling ban

Following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the Interior Department issued a blanket six-month moratorium on new oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. A federal judge struck down that moratorium as arbitrary and capricious, but the government issued a new order to replace the one that was struck down. That order was subsequently withdrawn, but the judge was so shocked by the administration’s conduct that he found the government in civil contempt of court.

7. Political-speech disclosure for federal contractors

In April of this year, President Obama released a draft executive order (still pending) that would require businesses with federal contracts to disclose independent expenditures on federal elections (political speech independent of candidates and parties). This order is intended to undermine the Supreme Court’s Citizen United decision — allowing independent expenditures by corporations, unions and other associations — by discouraging federal contractors and their executives from engaging in political speech. Citizens United held that such expenditures do not enable the kind of quid pro quo corruption that campaign finance laws are allowed to regulate, so this draft executive order shows contempt for the First Amendment by chilling protected speech.

8. Taxing political contributions

Earlier this year, the IRS tried to muzzle political speech by asserting that donations to certain nonprofit advocacy groups (so-called 501(c)(4) organizations) would be subject to the gift tax. Historically, the IRS has not applied the gift tax in this way — donations to advocacy groups are not likely to be used to circumvent the estate tax — and when the IRS previously tried to tax political donations, it was rebuffed by the courts on the grounds that such transfers are not gifts (i.e., the donor is getting something in return). The IRS has since backed down, but the suspicion remains that it was trying to chill the political speech of those opposed to President Obama’s policies, in violation of the First Amendment.

9. Graphic tobacco warnings

Late last year, the FDA issued regulations requiring cigarette manufacturers to display graphic warnings on all packs of cigarettes that must cover at least 50% of the packaging and graphically portray tobacco-related illnesses. These warnings violate the First Amendment because the government is compelling the cigarette manufacturers to discourage their customers from buying their lawful products. Last month, a federal judge blocked the new regulation, which was due to go into effect in January, but the administration is appealing.

10. Health care waivers

The Department of Health and Human Services has granted nearly 2,000 waivers to employers seeking relief from Obamacare’s onerous regulations. Nearly 20 percent of these waivers went to gourmet restaurants and other businesses in Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco district. Nevada, home to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, got a blanket waiver, while Republican-controlled states like Indiana and Louisiana were denied. Even beyond the unseemly political favoritism, such arbitrary dispensations violate a host of constitutional and administrative law provisions ranging from equal protection to the “intelligible principle” required for congressional delegation of authority to cabinet agencies. Unlike 17th-century English monarchs, American presidents were not granted dispensing powers: As we’ve seen, the power to suspend a legal requirement can and will be used to arbitrarily favor the politically connected. Moreover, most of these waivers were never authorized by Congress in the first place!

Ilya Shapiro is a senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute and editor-in-chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review.

Time to Rid the Streets of the “Occupy” Movement – Tea Party Nation

Time to Rid the Streets of the “Occupy” Movement – Tea Party Nation.

By Alan Caruba

Is there any doubt left in the minds of observers of the Occupy Wall Street movement tends toward violence and is in need of control? The mayors of the cities—some seventy at last count—that are being occupied need to crack down on it.

Not all agree, of course. Among the list of the Occupy movement are the following organizations and individuals that have expressed support or sympathy:

Communist Party, USA
American Nazi Party
Revolutionary Communist Party
Industrial Workers of the World
International Bolshevik Tendency
International Socialist Organization
Marxist Student Union
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Party for Socialism and Liberation
President Barack Obama
Vice President Joe Biden
Former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi
The Revolutionary Guards of Iran
Communist Party of China
Louis Farrakhan, National of Islam
Black Panthers

There are others but they all have commonalities, not the least of which is a belief in Communism, they are representative of the American Far Left, and have an affinity for class and racial warfare.

There is nothing to recommend its supporters and considerable reason to take action against the movement that claims to be leaderless, but which has already been granted a tax-exempt status as it continues to collect a large bankroll.

As Lincoln pointed out, ‘The Constitution is not a suicide pact” and this nation fought a Civil War to ensure that the Union would remain intact. Thus, appeals to freedom of speech have their limits when it comes to efforts to undermine and destroy the nation. The free speech argument has been the initial fall-back position of some mayors, but it is rapidly wearing thin.

No doubt, Mayor Bloomberg of New York has been hoping that the dropping temperature as we advance toward winter will have the salutary affect of causing the occupiers of Zuccotti Park to leave. In a cash-strapped city, the millions in overtime and other costs do not justify his forbearance, but the Mayor is a liberal so his inaction is understandable. Mayors of other cities under siege have responded timidly for the most part.

As a student of history, I recall the hippie movement of the 1960s, the famed Haight-Ashbury refuge in San Francisco, and other places where a disaffected and unhappy youth gathered to “tune out” and listen to speeches about the Vietnam War and other grievances. In general, they did not engage in violence because their focus was on drugs and “free love.”

The Occupy movement is a different animal. The object of its anger is Wall Street, banks, capitalism, and the current economic distress. One group, OurTime.org, “a non-profit organization standing up for Americans under 30”, noted that the October jobs report “reveals that young Americans hold a 15.4% unemployment rate, which marks the eighth straight month that the 18-24 demographic…”

Their anger would be better directed against a federal government that is responsible for the 2008 collapse of the housing market and major banking, investment and insurance companies, many of which were bailed out by Congress using the funds of taxpayers, the real 99%.

The youth have cause to be unhappy, but they would be better informed if they understood how poorly they have been served by a debased national educational system and indebtedness brought about by universities that thrive off the student-loan system underwritten by the federal government. Their ignorance of this and so much more is both understandable and deplorable.

You don’t solve unemployment by embracing tyranny.

Further back in history, one recalls the mobs that brought down the Weimar Republic in Germany and opened the doors to the Nazi movement. Earlier, mobs led by Bolsheviks deposed the Russian czar and imposed some seventy years of Communist control there. It is not surprising, therefore, that so many communist organizations and nations support the Occupy movement or that Wall Street is its target.

In time we shall learn who the organizers of this “spontaneous” movement truly have been, but for now public safety must be asserted to rid Zuccotti Park of this gang of “useful idiots” and wherever else they show up.

There no longer is any excuse to tolerate them and plenty of communist groups who will welcome them or, if the message of “change” put forth by Barack Obama is more closely examined, they can join the Democratic Party and continue its long history of destroying the nation’s economy.

© Alan Caruba, 2011

UPDATED 9/2/11: Obama’s not so Fast and Furious Scandal: ObamaGate (via Village of the Banned)

UPDATED 9/2/11: Obama's not so Fast and Furious Scandal: ObamaGate Obama/Holder:  Gun Runner Inc. UPDATED FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 2011 Demand for More Answers in Fast and Furious Scandal Just hours after the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, federal officials tried to cover up evidence that the gun that killed Terry, was one the government intentionally helped sell to the Mexican cartels in a weapons trafficking program known as Operation Fast and Furious. The revelation comes just days after a huge shake-up of … Read More

via Village of the Banned

The Dept Man’s Magical Tax Payer Funded Campaign Bus Tour (via Village of the Banned)

The Dept Man's Magical Tax Payer Funded Campaign Bus Tour Obama‘s Magical Misery Dept End Bus Tour H/T to Keith Koffler If Obama’s Not Campaigning, Why is He Campaigning? by Keith Koffler on August 16, 2011, 12:18 pm White House officials have been insisting for a couple of weeks that Obama’s bus tour through the Midwest has nothing to do with campaigning. It’s just a way to get the president among the people, especially, um, the people in presidentia … Read More

via Village of the Banned

Failed Liberal Progressive Social Programs Bankrupting America (via Village of the Banned)

Failed Liberal Progressive Social Programs Bankrupting America The United States of America has had a AAA credit rating since 1917. That rating survived WWI, the Great Depression, World War II, The Korean War, Vietnam, Jimmy Carter, 9-11, and those “unfunded” wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It however could not survive less than one term of the current President’s misguided “Social” Policies. The Smoking Gun of America’s Financial Meltdown [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPSDnGMzIdo&feature=player_ … Read More

via Village of the Banned

Obama’s Freefall in the Polls -19% and Dropping…..can you hear us now? (via Voting American)

Obama's Freefall in the Polls -19% and Dropping.....can you hear us now? Dear President Obama, “Now is the time for all American’s to rise up and speak with a loud voice.  2012 will be upon us before we know it and there is no time to waste.  This is the time to tell your family and friends to get involved.  This is the time to get them informed and this is the time to get them involved.  America hangs in the balance my friends.  Our very … Read More

via Voting American

Mr. President, We the People ARE America and your Rein of Terror against US ends in 2012 (via Village of the Banned)

Mr. President, We the People ARE America and your Rein of Terror against US ends in 2012 Dear President Obama, “We The People” have stated resolutely we reject your vision for our country. You claim you have not heard us. “We The People” have assembled across America resisting your efforts to subvert our constitution and undermine our liberty. You claim you have not seen us. … Read More

via Village of the Banned

Obama’s Ghetto Style Tax and Spend Economics, PRICELESS! For everything else there’s…………… The China Card (via Voting American)

Mr. President the Chinese want their Money Back! All the eloquent speeches from the Anointed One will not improve our economy nor is it in any way shape or form going to create jobs. We now have a President that is so full of himself that America is suffering another financial setback that all the Kings men and all the Kings Czars cannot put back together again. The good news is that America is waking up and we have put real American Patriots in … Read More

via Voting American